San Salvador

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We had chosen to stay two nights and we made the most of a day beside the coast. We had three swims and had great fun body surfing in the breakers. We spent ages watching surfers out on the 6ft swell. We spent even longer lounging in hammocks and relaxing as hard as we could.

As well as the surfing, we enjoyed watching a paramotor set up and take off. 

We dragged ourselves away from our coastal paradise with our eyes set on the capital, San Salvador. The first half of the ride would be along the coast, the second half would be climbing up to about 1000m. It was 35°C. 

The road along the coast got busier and busier. I guess the proximity to the capital means more traffic and bigger resorts. We were glad we had stopped where we had.

(If you zoom in, the palapa with the green roof is where we had been staying)

There has been a lot of development work along the coast as there is a big surf competition later in the year. 

The road from the coast to the capital was uphill the whole way. The road was busy but with a shoulder we could ride on to stay out of the way of vehicles. The downside of this is that you have to ride through all the detritus at the side. This includes stands of wires from tyres that have shredded. One of these worked its way into our rear tyre. If you zoom in you will see how chuffed I am to be fixing a flat in the heat at the side of a busy road.

We bought water by the gallon. I did a rough estimate of how much we drank during the day: about 10 pints each. Sweat was literally running off us.

We had plotted our route into the city to take us past the park which celebrates The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The second most translated work in the world, after the Bible. The author's wife was from El Salvador. 

We will take a couple of days in the capital to see what it has to offer. 

Tell tale salt marks from a hot day in the saddle.

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