Tourists in Medellín

Medellín had been a point we had been aiming for for a long time. Firstly because we felt ready for a break and Medellín is a great city with lots to do. Secondly because the travel advice from the FCDO means that there is a narrow corridor deemed safe that leads to Medellín.

We had contemplated where to stay and opted for a backpackers hostel as they are a good way to meet other travellers and they are a good way to find out about things to do, trips, attractions etc. 

On our first morning we signed up for a free walking tour. This started at the hostel and went into the centre via the metro. 

One of the themes of the tour was the transformation of Medellín from a place with the highest murder rate in the world in the 90s to the vibrant and safe place it is today. 

We visited the Parque San Antonio and saw this work called Pajero by Botero. If you look closely, you will see that it is peeled open. This is because a bomb was planted in it and exploded during a gathering in the park in 1995 killing 23 people. Following this, Botero donated another bird sculpture called la Pajero de la paz (the bird of peace) which sits beside the first. There are also 23 other works of his in the city to remember the 23 victims. 

Our guide emphasised the role of art in bringing pride to the city and its contribution to transformation.

The metro is credited with being the catalyst for the transformation away from violence. It was funded partly by private investment and partly by funds gathered from residents from local communities who wanted the metro to be built near them. This model means there is huge pride in the system and no graffiti or vandalism is tolerated meaning that after 25 years of operation the trains still look like new. 

More of Botero's work.

After the tour we stayed on in the city to see some things of our own and to spend more time amongst Botero's work. We also found a veggie restaurant right in the centre, two floors up, serving a set meal really cheaply. 

While we were there a rainstorm came over so we sat it out in the restaurant watching the world go by. These two ruddy ground doves snuggled up to each other just in front of us to wait out the rain as well.

The palace of culture was amazing inside and out. We had a brief visit inside but our energy levels were flagging so headed back for some chilling in the pool at our hostel.

Our next big outing was to Guatepe. The first stop was the Piedra del Peñol. We climbed all 705 steps to the top. It was first climbed in 1954 by a local using ladders across the crack in the rock where the steps now stand.

Impressive views from the top of the reservoir formed to provide electricity for Medellín.

Rachel has already posted on Instagram about the colourful town if Guatepe. I'll simply add these two photos to confirm that it really was the most colourful place we have seen.

We took another trip into the city to visit Comuna 13. Once a very violent area, now a major tourist attraction. On the way to took a detour. Journeys on the metro cost about 75p no matter how long. The metro system is integrated with a cable car system to reach areas too steep for metro trains. This meant we could get an aerial view of the city as part of our fare to get into the centre.

Comuna 13 is famous for its murals/graffiti.

The main area is a pedestrian balcony path that looks over the city and is filled with bars playing loud music, restaurants, performers, shops selling every kind of souvenir. The whole place felt like a huge party. 

The final part of the day was to visit 'the bike shop street'. This is a street where nearly every shop is a bike shop. Even I didn't have the energy to visit them all. However they all stock a good range of spares meaning I could pick up some bits that we needed for our bike. All the braking we have done has worn our disk rotors a bit thin so I was glad to get some new ones before continuing our journey through the Andes.

It has been a great few days. It has been refreshing to spend time off the bike and to enjoy some of the attractions that Medellín has to offer. It has also given us some time to make plans for the next section of riding southwards. 


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