To see details of this section: our eighth Mexican state and glad to report that Rachel was starting to feel better. We made steady progress during the day and had frequent stops to ensure that Rachel could eat. Little and often.
We were on a big road that had a nice wide shoulder. We felt very safe but they are not our favourite sort of road to ride on.
Zoom in to see the extra messages that have been added to this kilometre marker.
We detoured via San Filipe and found a great place for food and, once again, enjoyed the sights and sounds of a busy town with a thriving centre. I'm not sure what the secret is but they are a marked contrast to many towns in the UK that struggle to maintain a busy centre.
Once we got to the half way point to Guanajuato city we began to look for a suitable camp spot. I thought that we might end up under the road in a drainage tunnel until we spotted this abandoned building just off the road. Once we were inside we were totally out of sight.
The only downside was that it did not do much to deaden the road noise. However it did shelter us from the wind which picked up in the night. Yes, you've guessed - it was a headwind.
After a bit of a climb into the wind we began to get gravity on our side and we rolled down this vast canyon for many miles. We have not had landscape like this for many weeks.
We spotted the entrance to this tunnel from afar and assumed it would be very long so we stopped and ensured our lights were working and put on hi viz clothing; only to get to the actual entrance and realise it was very short. Better safe than sorry.
After an interesting section on a toll road where the bewildered guard just waved us through and exiting the wrong way down an entrance ramp, we were into the outskirts of Guanajuato. We got stumped at one point as the GPS was struggling to work out where we were due to the narrow streets. It seemed like no matter where we went, we could not find the route. Then it dawned on us - the route was under our feet. Once we got into the tunnels we quickly made our way to our hostel.
We only had to negotiate two flights of stairs on our way. No problem; simply remove all the bags, carry them up, return for the bike, carry it up and then reload it.
Guanajuato looks amazing. We are super excited to be here and to be able to spend tomorrow looking around.
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Wow! Crazy that the tunnels are under the streets and that is what the GPS was directing you to! Glad Rachel is feeling better x