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We have found that knowing the hour of the day has become a redundant concept. Our days are governed by fewer but more important time markers. First of all is sunrise. This is for two reasons: firstly, it is lovely to watch, and secondly because we spring into action to make the most of the cool and to make the most of the daylight. This happens around 5am.

Next is second breakfast. Coffee and food a few hours after starting. Usually a chance sit and spend some time off the bike and take in our surroundings.

This is followed by lunch. At this time of day, shade is the the highest priority. We like to find somewhere scenic for a stop but anywhere shady will do in a pinch.

The past few days have had an early finish because of the early start, flat riding and helpful tailwinds. Stopping riding at 2pm is quite a contrast to earlier in the tour when we were sometimes riding until 6pm. However, it does mean we can enjoy some R+R swimming in the sea and chilling. The early finish is also important because of the final time marker of the day: sunset. At the moment this is around 5.30 and after that it gets dark pretty quickly. 

This rhythm means we are in tune with sun even if it means that staying awake until 7pm feels like a late night!

We have had some great riding down the Gulf of California. There has been a sea breeze and chances to swim. We have worked our way down to cactus country which feels like we really are in Mexico. We have had two wonderful seaside camps.

The first in the bustling town of San Felipe where we stayed in a palapa. A two story camping hut/shade/shelter right by the sea. The second in the much quieter Puertecitos where we have a beach shelter and have the place to ourselves.

We are pleased to find that most of the Spanish we learnt at night class before leaving is coming back to us and have been able to make ourselves understood. We are looking forward to getting to somewhere big enough to have a Spanish language school so that we can enroll in a week long course and learn even more.

Let me know at if you would like an email update whenever there is a new blog post. The blog is not easy to leave comments on. We would love to hear from you if you would like to comment then please use the email address above.
Also remember that we have stuff on Instagram


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sounds lovely! My perceptiopn of what constitutes a late night has become much earlier too.... not quite at 7pm now but not far off ;-)


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