For a few pedal strokes more

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We left our warmshowers host, Jim, with the advice that there was a big hill between us and Lee Vining so it would be sensible to have Bridgeport as a destination for the day. This turned out to be fantastic advice.

We steadily climbed up on the 395 having a customary coffee stop by a creek. We were a bit disappointed to find the road carried on climbing after Sonora Junction but were rewarded with amazing views every time we looked back. (We were glad not to be going over Sonora pass as the sign at the bottom warned of 26% gradients)

Lovely descent into Bridgeport that was steep enough that we didn't need to pedal but not so steep that we needed brakes.

Just outside Bridgeport are the Travertine hot springs. A perfect place to unwind for two weary and dirty cyclists.

Cold night camping. Woke to find our water bottles frozen solid. However we were treated to the sunrise which quickly warmed us up.

We had done a bit of research and spotted Bodie and that it might make a nice detour on our was to Lee Vining. It is an abandoned mining town that is being held in a state of 'arrested decay'. To get there we had to climb to 2600m (a new high point) including 3 miles on a gravel road. It was totally worth it. 

A whole town of old wooden buildings filled with old beds, chairs, stoves etc. Best of all, we could act out all our Western movie fantasies in the streets :)

Lovely quiet gravel descent towards Mono Lake. This was the road less traveled and we had it to ourselves. Opted to camp with a view of the lake. A good choice as it was another 30km or more to the next campground. 

Mono lake is quite something. Lots of tufa outcrops caused when minerals in springs react with the alkaline water. Out is this world.

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  1. Oooh I did not know about Tufa. Interesting! You make a great cowboy... although I guess you are really a "bike-boy". Those hot springs look like just the things for weary legs! Looks like a lovely place to cycle around!


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