Lake Tahoe
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The ride from Truckee to Lake Tahoe was amazing. We picked up a cycle path just outside Truckee right beside the Olympic rings. This made us realise it was the third place that has hosted the winter Olympics that we have been to (I'll leave it to you to work out or guess where the other two are).
The cycle path went along the Truckee river. Crystal clear and beautiful. Gorgeous place to stop for coffee.
Next stop was on the shores of Lake Tahoe for some lunch at Meek Bay. It turned out to be quite exciting.
Yup. A bear and it's cub that are apparently notorious in the area smelt the snacks in a bag on our bike and made of with them. The gutting thing was that we had just spent $17 refilling it.
At no time were we in any danger as we were a safe distance from it at all times. However it was a bit freaky.
Lake Tahoe is beautiful. We took in the view and had a swim before arriving at our warmshowers hosts for a delicious dinner and a lovely evening's chat.
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Wow! A real close encounter with a wild beast! Glad you are both OK.