
To see details of our route:

For the past two days we have been heading inland. We were unsure whether it was the right thing to do, to leave the coast. However, so far we are very happy with our decision.

We very quickly got away from busy roads and into quiet routes. 

(look closely to see me with the bike)

We turned off one road which was so quiet we sat on a bridge for lunch and saw no traffic. 

For the next 4 hours we rode through deep and forest and did not see a single vehicle. Bliss.
We did see a pair of elk on the road and an owl flying alongside us though. Spotting the elk made us realise that we might equally have met a bear so we rode along tinging our bell, chatting loudly and singing.

Found a lovely spot for a camp in the woods and had a super peaceful sleep.

Had rain today.

Ate lunch at the covered tables of a cafe that was closed :)

Got to Glide and we were tuckered out. Saw a motel with the 'vacancy' sign lit up and immediately pulled off the road. The owner insisted we put the bike in the room even though it is filthy, she even gave us old towels to clean it with!

Very happy to be in a proper bed to rest well before the next two days of climbing.

Remember to let me know at if you would like an email update whenever there is a new blog post. Also remember that we have stuff on Instagram


  1. I like the caption "Had Rain Today" with a frog below it! HOW HARD WAS IT RAINING flippin eck!!! ;-) Mentioning singing and cucling reminded me of the Earworm game we played once on a bike ride. Must be fun when "You're on a road to nowhere!" HTH


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