Moving again
We left Seattle via the bench that Kurt Cobain used to sit on to write lyrics. Apparently, it gets cleared every week and the tributes just get replaced.
Rode out along the Inter-Urban trail which is an old railway line that had been paved. It was a great way to get out of the city on traffic free roads. Somehow we didn't notice one of Rachel's Crocs falling off until we stopped to look at these amazing dragonfly sculptures at Auburn. Oh well, at least it made the task of finally deciding which footwear to keep a bit easier.
The afternoon was long and hot and it seemed like the miles passed by slowly. We passed a first nation reservation with a huge casino - the profits from which paid for the purchase of land for conservation, a school and a health centre.
Eventually arrived at Emunclaw where we got groceries and more fuel for the Trangia. In the US the best fuel is found in auto shops as methanol is used as an antifreeze. Very pure and burns soot free.
Stayed with a wonderful Warmshowers host, Randall, who was excellent company. 35 years in the cycle industry, and avid cyclist who loves touring, camping and the outdoors. It was a real treat to meet him.
Left Buckley via another old railway heading towards Mount Rainier. Crossed several glacial rivers and warning signs that amused us no end.
After a lovely lunch stop by a lake we glimpsed Bigfoot!
The day's riding really did seem like we were heading towards paradise. Gradual climbing with a tailwind finishing at a low key campsite that is the most peaceful so far.
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